The Infographics Show YouTube Channel Case Study ($5 Million Per Year)

Hey, pals! So, I recently stumbled upon this rad YouTube channel: The Infographics Show. Inspired by the captivating world of YouTube infographics, this channel particularly caught my eye. And, guess what? These guys are raking in nearly $5 million annually with some seriously cool animated videos. Sounds like a dream gig, right? Let’s break it down, shall we?

The Infographics Show YouTube Channel Case Study

What Does The Infographics Show Do - The Infographics Show YouTube Channel Case Study ($5 Million Per Year)

What’s Their Secret Sauce?

Ever watched one of those uber-fun animated infographics that leave you chuckling and smarter? Well, that’s what The Infographics Show is all about. Embodying the best of YouTube infographics since way back in February 2011 (Feels like ages ago, huh?), these geniuses, led by the man himself, Andrej Preston, have been cooking up these videos.

Wondering about the scale of this operation? Roughly 80 folks work their magic behind the scenes. And the proof of their hard work? Over 3,723 videos (and counting every day) uploaded. That’s dedication, my friend. Oh, and did I mention their commitment to dropping two fresh vids daily? They’ve been pretty darn consistent with that.

Fun Fact: Their subscriber list? A whopping 12.6 million! 🚀 And if we’re talking numbers, they’ve amassed a jaw-dropping 4,760,903,674 video views. And their crown jewel? A video titled “what happens after you die?” that’s garnered over 26 million views. That’s some morbid curiosity, huh?

Craft Behind the Craft

How The Infographics Show Makes Videos - The Infographics Show YouTube Channel Case Study ($5 Million Per Year)

Now, onto the fun part! How do they whip up these snazzy animations? While they’re predominantly animated, they do spice things up with some stock images. A cool example? Check out their video Why Are Russian Tanks Failing in Ukraine.

Creating these isn’t rocket science. With a mix of simple animation, stock images, some catchy background tunes, and crisp narration, voilà! For the tech-savvy peeps out there, they’re big fans of Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Audition. And for some sweet graphics and tunes? They’re often pulling from envato elements.

Show Me the Money!

How Much Does The Infographics Show Make - The Infographics Show YouTube Channel Case Study ($5 Million Per Year)

Alright, onto the million-dollar (or should I say 5 million-dollar?) question: How much do they actually make? Animated content seems to be a goldmine. Especially when you can earn without showing your face – introverts, I’m looking at you.

Hold onto your socks! According to Social Blade, The Infographics Show is making an eye-popping $420,400 monthly. Do the math, and we’re talking close to $5 million yearly. And get this – that’s just from ad revenue.

Digging Deeper into ‘The Infographics Show’: The Moolah Beyond Ads

Remember when we chatted about The Infographics Show making bank with their animated gems? Well, there’s more to the story! Let’s talk dollar bills and areas for growth, shall we?

Monetizing in More Ways than One

Now, we’ve snooped through a good chunk of their top hits, and here’s the tea: most of them are making cheddar through ads. Kinda expected, right? Given their educational and storytelling style, it’s kinda tricky to push products, but hey, who said you can’t teach and sell? Some videos do have sneaky affiliate links lurking in the description, giving them a bonus revenue bump.

Room for Amping It Up?

Alright, hold up! Before we even dive into critiquing this behemoth of a channel (which is raking in more moolah than I do on a caffeine run), let’s acknowledge: they’ve nailed the animation game. No, it’s not Pixar-level, but it’s got that quirky charm. Andrej Preston and his team have managed to capture an essence that folks are digging.

Plus, can we talk about how they’ve mastered the art of timing? Most of their vids hover between 8 to 17 minutes, which, let’s face it, is a sweet spot for YouTube.

Leveling Up The Infographics Show

Okay, so where’s the room to grow that revenue tree?

1. Affiliate Game Strong!

More Affiliate Promotion - The Infographics Show YouTube Channel Case Study ($5 Million Per Year)

Peeps, let’s get real: their videos could have more affiliate shoutouts. They sometimes drop hints about sourcing graphics from envato elements. How ’bout slapping that info in every description? Maybe with a cheeky note like: Loving our vibe? Check out our faves below and support the crew!

2. Sponsor Time!

Bringing in sponsors could be a goldmine. Imagine each video starting with, Big shoutout to our sponsor for today… Insert brand plug here. A little birdie (okay, noxinfluencer told me they could be pocketing around $8,554 or more per sponsored vid. With their massive fanbase, that figure might even shoot up!

3. Merch? Yes, Please!

With their army of fans, merch would be a killer move. Think tees, mugs, posters, you name it! Platforms like Printful and Spreadshop could be their BFFs in this venture. And seriously, who wouldn’t rock a tee with their logo?

4. Boosting Their Web Mojo

Heads up, they do have a website, but it’s kinda… meh. It doesn’t capture their YouTube magic. A little revamp, some SEO wizardry, and bam! They’d have another platform to woo sponsors and fans alike.

Wanna Be the Next ‘The Infographics Show’? Here’s How!

So, you’ve been vibing with The Infographics Show, and your brain is buzzing with the thought, “Can I do this?” Well, here’s the skinny: heck yeah, you can! 🚀

Baby Steps, My Dude

Let’s hit the brakes a sec. Yes, creating a channel like this sounds like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. But remember, every YouTube giant, including The Infographics Show (since 2011, btw), started with just one wee video. The million-dollar (or, say, $5 million a year? 🤑) question is: how much grind are you ready for?

Animation Nation!

1. Up Your Game or Play the Hiring Game

Feeling artsy? If you’re buddies with animation software, fantastic! If not, there’s a world of skilled animators on Fiverr ready to whip up some magic for you.

2. Name It, Claim It

Once you’re set on the animation part, it’s time for the real fun: christening your channel! Think of a name that tells peeps, Here’s what I’m all about! And remember, SEO is your BFF to make sure your content is seen.

Creating Your Video Treasure Trove

3. Research, Rinse, Repeat

Kick off by brainstorming ideas for your first 30 vids. How, you ask? Sneak a peek at The Infographics Show’s top-performing vids for inspo. Watch, learn, and sprinkle in some originality!

4. Word Wizardry

Jot down those epic video scripts! If writing ain’t your jam, our friend Fiverr can hook you up with killer writers.

5. Lights, Camera, Action!

Once your script’s good to go, animate away! Chat with fellow animators for software recs. Need a voiceover? Do it yourself or hire a pro. Mix in some beats, graphics, and bam – you’ve got a video!

6. Blast Off!

Got a video? Toss it up on YouTube! Don’t stash them all for a mega-release. Put ’em out as you wrap ’em. And remember, optimization is key! Clueless about it? Check our crash course at the end of this post.

our top recommended tools
Fiverr: Hire freelancers to create professional content.
Hubstaff: Manage your team and workflow.
Canva: Design graphics, logos, and thumbnails.
TubeBuddy: Optimize videos for search engines and track performance.
VidIQ: Analyze video data and grow your audience.
Submagic: Transform your short-form videos with AI in seconds!
ElevenLabs: Best Free online tool to Convert text to speech effortlessly.

Wrapping It Up

Alright, pals, The Infographics Show has set the bar high with their quirky and informative animated delights. They ain’t hitting the brakes, and neither should you! I mean, if there’s a shot at earning $5 million a year while educating and entertaining folks, why not take a swing? The time is now, buddy! Grab that camera, or well, animation tablet, and let’s roll! 🎥🎉

Frequently asked questions:

How much money does the infographics show make on YouTube?

Alright, breaking it down, the Infographics Show racks up a sweet 73.58 million views every month. With those numbers, they’re definitely cashing in on ads. But don’t get it twisted, they probably have multiple income streams. They’re banking close to $4.41 mil a year.

Who is the infographics narrator?

That’d be the homie Scientist Andrej Preston. Dude’s the voice behind most of those dope educational vids on their channel.

Is the infographics show real?

Yep, The Infographics Show is legit. It’s a US-based YouTube channel that drops educational content. And just so you know, that computer scientist Andrej Preston or sometimes another narrator breaks down the info for you.

Vid Gators
Vid Gators

Hi, my name is Idammah, and I am the founder of Vid Gators, a website dedicated to helping people make money through YouTube. I have always been fascinated by the potential for success on the platform and the power of video as a medium for communication and entertainment. That's why I started this blog – to share my own experiences and the strategies that have worked for me with others who are looking to do the same. I have personally tried a variety of methods for making money through YouTube, including creating and monetizing my own channels, collaborating with brands, and using video content to drive traffic to my website. While some methods have been more successful than others, I have learned a lot along the way and am constantly experimenting with new ways to earn an income through video. I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with my readers, and I hope that my blog can be a helpful resource for anyone looking to make money through YouTube. Thanks for stopping by!

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