Professional Gamers Who Treated Their Fans Like Trash

Hey, buddies! Ever heard that old saying, With great power comes great responsibility? Yeah, yeah, it’s a Spiderman quote, but it rings true in the esports world too! Fans are the real MVPs of professional gamers. Without their dedication, would the likes of mmdust or any Twitch superstar even be known? I mean, come on, where would all these Twitch superstars be without their dedicated fan base? Probably still dreaming, right? But, oops, some, including mmdust, have thrown some major shade at those very fans who got them there.

Let’s dive into some examples, and remember, a bit of the info ahead can be heavy (content warning: mention of sexual harassment and suicide). Oh, and by the way, peeps can change, so let’s not cancel anyone just yet, okay? 🕹️

Professional Gamers Who Treated Their Fans Like Trash

1. mmDust’s “I’m Sooo Above You” Moment

mmDust said he was 'bigger' and 'better' than the average person - Professional Gamers Who Treated Their Fans Like Trash

Speedrunner mmDust seriously dropped the ball at TwitchCon 2018. Imagine telling your fans, Hey, don’t relate to me; I’m kinda superior, you know? But hey, ever heard of context? The whole thing came off a bit less prickly when you heard the whole chat. Dexerto spilled some tea on his sub perks panel – pretty much, all you got was the ability to use his emotes. And, oh boy, if you wanted to chill with him on Discord? Hard pass from his side!

Fun fact: He later hinted to The Verge that TwitchCon had him ’cause of his ahem edgy views. And in his defense, he was trying to draw lines with his fans, which I guess we all need, right? 😅

Source: Twitch/CoolCatTheater

2. InvaderVie’s $10 Life Lesson

InvaderVie said non-subscribers were bad with money - Professional Gamers Who Treated Their Fans Like Trash

Alright, folks, strap in for this one. InvaderVie had a real foot-in-mouth moment when she told viewers that if they’re watching Twitch, they’ve got the dough to sub. I mean, seriously? And if you didn’t, you probably should be working. That’s like telling someone at a free concert they should be buying VIP tickets. Oh, and she said this in April 2020, right when the pandemic was doing its worst. Talk about timing!

But here’s the icing on the cake. Our dear Pokimane chimed in, tweeting something like, If 5 bucks is pocket change, why beg for it? Oof, that’s got to sting. InvaderVie’s still around, though, pandemic and backlash included. Maybe she’s made of Teflon? 🤷

Just a friendly reminder, superstars: the internet never forgets. Treat fans with kindness, or, y’know, just basic respect? And for my fellow fans, let’s stay awesome and support the streamers who genuinely value us! Stay cool, game on, and remember to throw some GGs around. 🎮✌️

Source: Twitch/InvaderVie

3. DM Brandon’s Harsh Take on Mental Health

DM Brandon called suicidal fans selfish - Professional Gamers Who Treated Their Fans Like Trash

Smite’s DM Brandon, instead of lending an ear, sadly went on a rant when a viewer opened up about their struggles. Look, everyone’s entitled to their opinion, right? But, c’mon, sensitivity, dude? The internet’s reaction was swift, and long story short, he parted ways with Hi-Rez Studios, Smite’s developer. Later, he did express regret, but lesson learned: think before you speak!

On a serious note, if you or someone you know is feeling down and out, don’t hesitate to reach out to a helpline. You’re not alone, and help is just a call away: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Source: Twitter/@juiceDiem

4. Gross Gore’s Not-so-Cool Antics

Gross Gore harassed and assaulted fans and fellow streamers - Professional Gamers Who Treated Their Fans Like Trash

Alright, so Runescape streamer Gross Gore allegedly stirred up quite a mess at RuneFest, with claims of inappropriate behavior galore. When confronted by fellow streamer, Skiddler, things turned physical. The aftermath? A Twitch timeout and a ban from TwitchCon. Now, I don’t have all the details, but it seems like the ol’ saying applies: play nice or pay the price.

Source: Instagram/grossgore.official

5. SavageBabyDoll’s “No Poors Allowed” Rule

SavageBabyDoll didn't want poor people watching her stream - Professional Gamers Who Treated Their Fans Like Trash

Ever been to a party where they said, No shoes, no shirt, no service? Well, SavageBabyDoll took that to the next level with her subs only streaming party. And when a viewer questioned the rule? Banned! Later, she claimed it was a misunderstanding, but… eh, looks like the Twitch gods weren’t convinced. Her channel mysteriously vanished. Coincidence? You decide.

Source: Twitter/gh0stty_

6. The Curious Case of MKTomBrady

RealMKTomBrady stole hundreds of dollars from his fans - Professional Gamers Who Treated Their Fans Like Trash

First up, we’ve got Tom Brady. No, not that Tom Brady, but the Mortal Kombat pro. Seemingly a slick player in more ways than one, Brady had his fans pitch in a whopping $600 for a Philly tournament. But the plot twist? He didn’t show up! And when fans pressed him on it, his explanation about Uber bills and other expenses raised more eyebrows than my last attempt at DIY home hair coloring. Another streamer chimed in, claiming Tom Brady wasn’t telling the full story. Talk about drama, right?

Source: Twitter/@MK_TomBrady

7. zilianOP’s Not-So-Great Reveal

zilianOP didn't actually need wheelchair donations - Professional Gamers Who Treated Their Fans Like Trash

In the realm of what the heck were they thinking?, we have zilianOP. A streamer famous for seeking support for disability-related costs, this dude got up and walked on-stream. Yes, really. I mean, it’s like that time I said I was giving up carbs and then devoured a pizza – but WAY worse. Twitch was quick to drop the ban hammer, citing fraud as the reason. Ouch.

Source: YouTube/CustomGraphix

8. Kuku’s Controversial Slip-Up

Kuku disrespected his Chinese fans - Professional Gamers Who Treated Their Fans Like Trash

Kuku, a notable name in the Dota 2 community, landed himself in some serious hot water when he made a racial slip in the in-game chat. Now, as much as we enjoy a bit of banter while gaming, this was a big no-no. The backlash was real, with Kuku even being barred from a major tournament in China. His team, TNC Predator, tried to defend him, but Valve was having none of it. They stepped in, emphasizing that no external influence affected their decision.

Source: Twitter/@kukudota

Final Thoughts

Streaming is fab, but with the fame comes responsibility. Treat your fans right, be honest, and remember – the internet never forgets! Stay woke, be kind, and happy gaming! 🎮❤️

Frequently asked questions:

How do fans affect players?

When ballers are out on the field, having a lit crowd can actually help them zone out the exhaustion. Vibing with the crowd and soaking in all that hype can really help players push through when they feel like they’re about to crash.

What are professional gamers called?

Yo, those peeps who game for a living? They’re called pro-gamers. In the gaming world, they’re like the elite athletes. And if we’re talking about gambling, then they’re the pros who roll the dice for real stakes.

Do fans affect the game?

For sure, fans bring the noise! When the crowd’s roaring, the other team might have to burn a timeout ’cause they can’t even hear themselves think. This could mess them up later when they’re low on timeouts.

Vid Gators
Vid Gators

Hi, my name is Idammah, and I am the founder of Vid Gators, a website dedicated to helping people make money through YouTube. I have always been fascinated by the potential for success on the platform and the power of video as a medium for communication and entertainment. That's why I started this blog – to share my own experiences and the strategies that have worked for me with others who are looking to do the same. I have personally tried a variety of methods for making money through YouTube, including creating and monetizing my own channels, collaborating with brands, and using video content to drive traffic to my website. While some methods have been more successful than others, I have learned a lot along the way and am constantly experimenting with new ways to earn an income through video. I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with my readers, and I hope that my blog can be a helpful resource for anyone looking to make money through YouTube. Thanks for stopping by!

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