MagnatesMedia YouTube Channel Case Study ($31K Per Month)

Yo, fam! Let’s take a fun and quirky journey into the world of the MagnatesMedia YouTube channel. Ever heard of it? Well, if not, hold onto your socks ’cause you’re in for a treat. 🍿

MagnatesMedia YouTube Channel Case Study

How MagnatesMedia Makes Their Videos

So, MagnatesMedia, right? They whip up these dope short flicks on marketing, business, money, and the folks who made it big in the biz world. It’s kinda like digging into a Behind the Music but for business legends. Ever wondered about the backstory of your fave brand or business icon? Magnates media gotchu!

Now, let’s sprinkle some numbers for context. This channel, described as the Netflix for Productivity Junkies, boasts a cool 800,000 subscribers and has racked up almost 70 million views! 😲 And guess what? It’s only been around since 2018. That’s like… only five years!

Who’s the Genius Behind It?

Who Started MagnatesMedia

Alright, so who’s the brainchild behind this digital wonder? Meet John Frazer. This dude is not just any guy off the street. He’s a Henley Business School alum and packs a punch with his experience in entrepreneurship and digital marketing. John’s whole vibe is to reach out to the ambitious under-30 crowd. So if you’re someone wanting to up your game, MagnatesMedia might just be your jam!

When John kicked off this venture, he had a triple-threat mission:

  1. Soak in wisdom from top-performers and serve it hot to his viewers.
  2. Use kickass and authentic video content to deliver the 411.
  3. Chronicle his own roller-coaster ride in entrepreneurship.

Fun Fact: John initially thought it’d be a walk in the park to run a YouTube channel. Boy, was he in for a surprise! 🙈

Some of the crowd-faves on his channel? Videos like The Homeless Teen Behind Louis Vuitton, WhatsApp’s Money-Making Magic, and a sneak peek into the lavish lives of the super-wealthy.

Spilling the Tea: How Does MagnatesMedia Craft Their Videos?

When it comes to their video formula, MagnatesMedia’s secret sauce combines stock images, vintage footage, voiceovers, and some groovy tunes. They often kick things off with a snazzy animated intro, followed by a mix of pics and text that paint the story. And the voiceover? It’s like the cherry on top, adding depth and context.

They also sprinkle in some editing wizardry think zoom-ins and catchy text overlays to keep things fresh and engaging.

MagnatesMedia’s Money Mojo: Unraveling the YouTube Goldmine

How Much Does MagnatesMedia Make

Ever wondered just how much moolah our favorite YouTube channels rake in? Well, let’s dive deep into MagnatesMedia’s treasure chest and see how they’re minting their YouTube gold.💰

Cashin’ In Big Time!

First off, did you know that MagnatesMedia is pulling in a whopping $31,000 monthly? Yes, that’s about $372,000 yearly! 😲 Social Blade tells us that these figures come from video views, interactions, and them sweet ad dollars. But hey, ads aren’t the only game in town for them.

Multiple Streams, More Dreams!

Beyond ads, MagnatesMedia has their fingers in a lot of pies. We’re talking affiliate marketing, juicy sponsorships, and brand collabs that’d make any influencer jelly.

Affiliate Marketing and Shoutouts

Affiliate Marketing and Brand Sponsorships - MagnatesMedia YouTube Channel Case Study (Making $31,000 Per Month)

Can we talk about how sly and smooth they are with their marketing? It’s like they’re whispering sweet deals into our ears. If you’ve watched their vids, you’ve probably heard them name-drop brands, pushing viewers to check out some killer products in the video description.

Like, who hasn’t heard of NordVPN? Or those tempting free stocks from moomoo? And let’s not forget the creative tools like Adobe Creative and toe-tapping tracks from Epidemic Sound Music.

As for the dollar signs behind those shoutouts? Well, while we might not have the exact figures, noxinfluencer guesses they could be banking a cool $12,400 for every video. Not too shabby, huh?

Class is in Session: Selling Courses

Guess what? John Frazer, the mastermind behind MagnatesMedia, isn’t just stopping at YouTube. This dude’s channeled his YouTube magic into a course: the YouTube Business Blueprint. Wanna build your own YouTube empire? John promises he’s got the secret sauce. And at $1,997 a pop, selling a mere 10 courses a month could net him… wait for it… $19,970! Ka-ching!

For the Super Fans: Channel Memberships

Wait, there’s more! They’ve also hopped on the YouTube subscription train. Fans can opt for different membership levels to back the channel. Whether you’re a budding CEO at $1.99/month, a total Legend at $2.99/month, or aiming to be a Magnate at $4.99/month – there’s something for everyone.

Leveling Up MagnatesMedia: Some Friendly Advice

Selling Courses - MagnatesMedia YouTube Channel Case Study (Making $31,000 Per Month)

Alright, fam, let’s get real! MagnatesMedia is totally killing it on YouTube. 🚀 Their content? 🔥 Their monetization game? On point. But, ya know, there’s always room for improvement, right? So, let’s brainstorm some ways to boost their empire even more.

1. Amp Up That Affiliate Game

Sure, they’re dabbling in affiliate marketing, but why stop there? Imagine them partnering with the big fish in the finance world or other related industries. Say, JPMorgan Chase or Goldman Sachs? Now, wouldn’t that be a power move? Plus, they can push other business courses that offer fat commission checks.💰

2. Diversify the Course Menu

We’ve all heard of their YouTube Blueprint course. Why not whip up more courses that cater to the business-savvy audience they’ve got? It’ll not only rake in more moolah but position MagnatesMedia as the top dog in their niche.

3. Merch, Baby, Merch!

Who wouldn’t want a MagnatesMedia tee or a cool mug for those late-night business binges? Merch can be a gold mine for brand awareness and some extra cheddar on the side. And the best part? No face reveals needed! 😎

4. Seek Stellar Sponsorships

Sponsorships? They’re already on it. But as the saying goes, there’s plenty of fish in the sea! They could bag better brand collabs, especially as their channel grows. More subs = better deals, right?

5. Embrace Patreon’s Potential

Patreon? It’s a game-changer. It offers a fab way to reward loyal followers with exclusive content while also stacking up those Benjamins.

6. Launch Original Products

Imagine MagnatesMedia dropping their own book on business hacks? Or maybe some super-useful business software? Their audience would eat that up!

7. Web Overhaul Needed

Their website? Eh, it’s kinda meh right now. A sizzling, informative website could be the key to unlock even more opportunities. I mean, who doesn’t want to read a killer blog with some MagnatesMedia wisdom?

Kickstarting Your Own Media Channel: The MagnatesMedia Way (But with Your Twist!)

Channel Memberships - MagnatesMedia YouTube Channel Case Study (Making $31,000 Per Month)

Alright, future YouTube star, you wanna make waves like MagnatesMedia? Totally get it. They’re the bomb. But before diving in, let’s spill some tea on how to get the ball rolling with your own flair. 😎

1. Be a Unicorn, Not a Horse

We love MagnatesMedia, but copying them? Meh. Inject your quirks, your humor, and your personality. Let’s turn that content from nice to Woah, who’s THIS?

2. Discover Your Passion Playground

Now, before you get all wild, nail down your niche. What gets you outta bed, besides coffee? MagnatesMedia is all about that biz and finance life. Are you into that, or something else? Statistics say specialized channels drive more engagement. So, whether it’s collecting rare socks or space economics, find your lane and own it.

3. Sherlock Your Niche

Once you’ve got your niche down, it’s detective time! See what’s out there and how you can do it better. Look out for:

  • Competition Recon: Dive deep into similar channels. What’s their secret sauce?
  • Audience Pulse Check: What’s the chatter? Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to feel the vibe. Maybe they’re into green investments or the latest crypto craze.
  • Spot the Niche Gaps: Maybe everyone’s talking stocks but ignoring the rise of sustainable investments. That’s your golden ticket, buddy!
  • Ride the Trend Wave: Stay woke with the latest in biz and finance. If AI is taking over Wall Street, you wanna be the one chatting about it, right?

4. Consistency is Your BFF

Once you’ve decided what you’re all about, keep at it. Remember, passion drives consistency, and consistency drives those subscriber numbers!

How to Rock YouTube: The MagnatesMedia Way (and With Your Own Flair!)

Alright, fam, you’ve set your sights on becoming the next YouTube sensation, inspired by MagnatesMedia. Dream big, right? But how do you get from zero to hero? Strap in, folks. Let’s decode this.

1. Content is King, but Format is the Castle

Ever think about why some channels just pop while others flop? It’s not always what you say, but how you present it. MagnatesMedia may be faceless, but they’re certainly not emotionless! Ever tried screen recording? It’s a killer way to do tutorials.

You can guide peeps through finance apps or investment sites without showing off your latest PJ set. Or hey, fancy using stock footage and images? It’s like having a wardrobe full of outfits you never wear, but for videos! Experiment a bit, find your groove. Remember, variety’s the spice of life.

2. Gear Up (But Not Too Much)

This ain’t Hollywood, bud. A fancy microphone and some good video editing software is all you need. If you’re outsourcing the whole shebang (voice and editing), then you can even skip this shopping spree. Check out our list

our top recommended tools
Fiverr: Hire freelancers to create professional content.
Hubstaff: Manage your team and workflow.
Canva: Design graphics, logos, and thumbnails.
TubeBuddy: Optimize videos for search engines and track performance.
VidIQ: Analyze video data and grow your audience.
Submagic: Transform your short-form videos with AI in seconds!
ElevenLabs: Best Free online tool to Convert text to speech effortlessly.

3. Just Start the Thing Already

Done your homework? Got all your tools? Stop lurking in the shadows and launch that channel. If you’re feeling a tad lost, we’ve got a course that’ll guide you through the maze. It’s the YouTube version of a GPS!

4. Make Your Content Sizzle

Write scripts that make eyebrows rise. If writing ain’t your jam, hire a pro. If you’re diving into complex stuff, visuals are your BFF. Storytelling? Oh man, it’s like the secret sauce. Makes everything better.

5. Quit the Procrastination Game

Seriously, don’t just sit there planning. Dive in! Yeah, starting can be scarier than running out of coffee, but you got this. MagnatesMedia wasn’t built in a day. It’s all about the grind, baby.

In a Nutshell…

MagnatesMedia is smashing the YouTube game with their biz and finance wisdom. Wanna walk in their footsteps? It’s hard work, some trial and error, and a sprinkle of magic. With some dedication (and this nifty guide), you can shine bright too. Now, go out and conquer that digital realm! 🚀🌟🎥

Frequently asked questions:

How much YouTube pay for 1,000 views?

On the real, the average YouTuber is raking in about $0.018 for each view, that’s what Influencer Marketing Hub says. So, if we’re talking 1,000 ad views, you’re looking at around $18. Keep reading and we’ll break down the YouTube pay rate and how to crush it with your channel.

How much money do you get for 30k views on YouTube?

If you want the lowdown real quick: 30k views on the tube? You could be pocketing anywhere between $60 and $300. But, just so you know, the exact cash you make varies – think CPM, RPM, how long folks are watching, and all that jazz.

How much money do you make on YouTube with 100000 subscribers?

So, wondering about those YouTubers with 100k subs? If they’re monetized and can get all their subs to peep a new vid every week, they might be pulling in around $1,800 weekly, which is like $93,600 a year, just from AdSense. Not too shabby, right?

Vid Gators
Vid Gators

Hi, my name is Idammah, and I am the founder of Vid Gators, a website dedicated to helping people make money through YouTube. I have always been fascinated by the potential for success on the platform and the power of video as a medium for communication and entertainment. That's why I started this blog – to share my own experiences and the strategies that have worked for me with others who are looking to do the same. I have personally tried a variety of methods for making money through YouTube, including creating and monetizing my own channels, collaborating with brands, and using video content to drive traffic to my website. While some methods have been more successful than others, I have learned a lot along the way and am constantly experimenting with new ways to earn an income through video. I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with my readers, and I hope that my blog can be a helpful resource for anyone looking to make money through YouTube. Thanks for stopping by!

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