How to Start a YouTube Automation Business Step by Step

Yo folks! Ever been chillin’ on your couch, scrolling through the wild world of YouTube, and thought, Man, I wish I could make money while doing absolutely nada? Well, dream no more! If you’re looking to dip your toes into the lucrative world of passive income, starting a YouTube automation business might just be the golden goose you’ve been searching for. How to start a YouTube automation channel, you ask? Let’s unpack this bad boy together, shall we?

How to Start a YouTube Automation Business

Should you start a YouTube automation channel The pros and cons

Alright, let me break it down for ya. Imagine having a YouTube channel that basically runs itself while you’re, I don’t know, sippin’ a margarita on a beach somewhere. Sounds dope, right? This is what YouTube automation is all about. In the most chill way possible, YouTube automation is about having a kick-ass team that handles everything from the research, to creating content and hitting that juicy publish button.

Plus, if you’re not feeling like doing it all by yourself, consider YouTube automation outsourcing. You don’t even have to plaster your face all over it. Nope, these channels usually go with stock footages, animations, and voiceovers. Think less “Look at me! I’m the star!” à la Mr. Beast and more behind-the-scenes puppet master.

So, Should You Ride this Wave or Nah? The Good, the Bad, and the Passive

Let’s weigh it out:

  • Cha-Ching While You Sleep! This is the essence of passive income. By getting a team to do the heavy lifting, you’re cashing in without breaking a sweat.
  • No Diva Moments Here: Unlike celeb channels, you’re not tied down to one person’s schedule. Your automation channel doesn’t have that drama – it’s just churning out content like a factory.
  • Rake in the Dough from Multiple Avenues: While ad revenue is cool and all, with a YouTube automation channel, the sky’s the limit! There’s a smorgasbord of ways to monetize. Stay tuned; I’ll dish the deets later.
  • Patience, Young Grasshopper: Fun fact: According to HubSpot, the average time to hit 1,000 subscribers on YouTube is 22 months. Dreaming bigger? Aim for two years of grinding before your channel shines.
  • Show Me the Money!: Before you dive in, remember you’ve got to invest to make it rain. Joey Gaule, a YouTube automation guru, says a simple video might set you back between $30-$50. Craving those sleek animations? We’re talking a Benjamin or more!

The Step-by-Step Game Plan

If you’re vibing with the idea and are all, “I’m in!”, then stick around. In my next posts, I’ll dive deep into how you can make this dream a reality, offering a YouTube automation step by step guide, from key metrics to understanding the business, and even sprinkling in some mistakes you’ll want to sidestep.

Surviving the Wild West of YouTube: A Friendly Nudge in the Right Direction

Ready to dive into the crazy world of YouTube? Well, hold on to your hats, ’cause it’s a wild ride. I mean, we’re talking Clint Eastwood-wild-west kind of territory here. But don’t fret! I’ve got your back. Let’s chat about the nitty-gritty.

YouTube: More Crowded Than a Mall on Black Friday

Y’all ever feel like there’s just too much content to consume on YouTube? That ain’t just your imagination! According to Zippia, a whopping 500 hours of video content gets uploaded every darn minute. No matter the lane you pick, there’s bound to be some traffic. Think LA freeway during rush hour.

Thinking of Jumping Ship? Check Out This Alternative

YouTube’s passive income promise might sound like a dream, but let’s keep it real – it ain’t a get-rich-quick scheme. If you’re itching for faster cash flow, local lead generation could be your jam. Within just a few months, you could be stacking those green bills. In a nutshell, you rank a website on Google’s first page for a local biz niche, then trade those leads for cash. Cha-ching! Curious?.

The YouTube Cheat Sheet: Metrics You Can’t Ignore

Let’s nerd out for a sec:

  • RPM (Revenue Per Mille): The average moolah you’ve raked in per 1,000 video views.
  • CPM (Cost Per Mille): The average amount advertisers drop to feature their ads on 1,000 of your vids.
  • Watch Time: Not rocket science – how long folks are glued to your content.
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate): How often peeps click on your video after seeing the thumbnail. Basically, it’s your vid’s curb appeal!

You Can’t Do It All: Here’s Who to Hire

If you want to kick back and let the Benjamins roll in, here’s your dream team:

The Research Wizard & SEO Guru:

You need someone to dive deep into the YouTube abyss, pulling out golden content ideas and making sure those algorithms fall in love with you.

Master of Words: The Scriptwriter:

Your secret weapon. They find those juicy tidbits that keep viewers hanging on every word. They’re basically setting the vibe for your entire show.

Voiceover Virtuoso:

Ever had someone’s voice just, I dunno, hypnotize you? That’s the magic you want for your content. They’re the unsung heroes of the faceless YouTube world.

Editing Extraordinaire:

A maestro with the right tools and mad skills to make your content pop. Think of them as the chef, mixing the right ingredients for that chef’s kiss result.

Thumbnail Titan:

First impressions matter. This is the genius that lures viewers in with snazzy thumbnails. They’ve got the magic touch to make folks hit that play button.

Channel Commander:

Wanna go full autopilot mode? Get a commander to steer the ship, keep an eagle eye on analytics, and tweak your strategies. Think of them as the captain of your YouTube ship.

Your 5-Step Blueprint to Crushing It on YouTube

Gather ’round, folks! I’m about to spill some top-secret beans on setting up a YouTube channel that practically runs itself. So, grab your popcorn and buckle up, ’cause we’re going on a roller coaster ride to YouTube automation stardom.

1. Finding Your YouTube Flavor: Niche Down!

Before you dive in, ya gotta ask yourself: What’s my jam on YouTube? Picking your niche is like picking out your superhero costume. You gotta wear what suits ya, right? Now, if you’ve got mad skills as a software engineer, why not share the geeky love? Teach peeps how to build apps or decode the Matrix! 🤓 

But here’s the real talk: all niches ain’t created equal. Like, how to make money online or personal finance might be gold mines, but they’re also packed like a Coachella concert. Want a fighting chance? Zig when others zag. Find that sweet micro-niche or a fresh twist. Need inspiration? Check out this list of niches that are poppin’!

2. Crafting Your YouTube Persona: The Branded Account

2. Create a branded YouTube account

Being a YouTube viewer? Easy peasy. But to be the maestro behind the curtain? You gotta set up a branded channel. It’s like creating a flashy stage for your rock band. A branded account keeps your personal deets hush-hush and lets you bring buddies on board. Ready for the magic?

  1. Jump into YouTube.
  2. Click “Sign in” or do the ol’ switcheroo if you’re already logged in.
  3. Go for “Create account” and put on your business hat.
  4. Assemble your dream team with channel managers.

And don’t skimp on that channel bling! Jazz it up with snazzy art. No design skills? No worries! Canva is your bestie or throw some coin at a pro to dazzle it up.

3. Assembling Your YouTube Dream Team 

3. Build a high-quality automation team

Unless you’re a one-man-band kinda person, building a kickass team is essential. Bootstrapped budget? No stress. Rock that solo gig until the coins start rolling in. Ready to expand? The freelancer universe awaits! Sites like Upwork, Fiverr, Guru, and Freelancer are like talent buffets.

4. Tech-ing It Up: Automate Like a Boss

4. Use tools to automate processes

So, it’s 2023 and we don’t have flying cars (bummer!), but we do have some wicked tools to streamline the hustle. For the love of all things organized, check out Asana, Trello, or Clockify. These babies will keep your team in sync like a finely-tuned boy band. 

And for some YouTube wizardry, dive into Tube Buddy or VIDIQ. They’re like the Swiss Army knives for YouTubers, helping with data, video voodoo, and more!

5. Show Me the Money: Monetizing Your Goldmine

4 Key metrics to know for a YouTube automation channel

The dream? Making money while binging Netflix. When those views start flooding in, it’s payday! The classic route? Join the YouTube Partner Program and let ads sprinkle cash on your content. But, hold up! There’s a checklist:

  • A year of people watching you for 4,000 hours? Check.
  • A cool 1,000 subs? Got ’em.
  • Living in the land of YouTube Partner Program? Yup.
  • AdSense linked and in the clear with YouTube’s rulebook? Aye aye!

But hey, don’t put all your eggs in the ad basket. There are plenty of other ways to cash in.

Your Ultimate Guide to Milking YouTube

Hey there, fam! Thinking of making some serious coin with your YouTube automation channel? Well, you’ve clicked on the right link. Let’s dish out some alt-ways to monetize your YouTube automation business and a couple of rookie mistakes you’ll wanna dodge. Shall we? 🚀

1. Raking It in with Super Chats 💬

Ever see those pinned messages in a live stream that kinda look VIP? That’s Super Chat. Viewers can drop anywhere between a humble buck to a whopping $500 just to get that prime real estate in your chatbox. Not too shabby, eh?

2. Get Swaggy with Print on Demand 🧢

Companies like Printful or Printify let you strut your stuff. Whip up some rad merch with your logo and sell it!

3. Bag Those Brand Deals 💰

We’re talking about sponsorships that’ll make your wallet thicc! On average, YouTube sponsors cough up between $0.01 and $0.10 per video view. Ka-ching!

4. Going Digital 📚

Why not create eBooks or online courses? No fuss with shipping, and they’re like the gifts that keep on giving.

5. Service with a Smile 😊

Promote your consulting or coaching mojo right on your channel. Show ’em you’re the expert!

6. Affiliate Magic 🌟

Hook up with brands, showcase their stuff, and get paid with affiliate links. It’s like being a modern-day matchmaker, but for products.

7. CPA: Not Just for Accountants 📊

It’s like affiliate marketing’s edgier cousin. You get paid for driving actions to brands. Sounds enticing, huh?

8. VIP Treatment with Memberships 🎟

Platforms like Patreon or OnlyFans let you pamper your fans with that exclusive content they’re thirsty for, in return for some monthly love (read: fees).

Common YouTube Oopsies to Watch Out For:

Reuploading? Big No-No!

Yo, don’t even think of swiping content and re-uploading. YouTube ain’t playing that game. That’s a straight route to copyright city.

Using copyrighted tunes? Expect a big, fat flag from YouTube. Now, don’t cry over mainstream music, there’s a world of royalty-free beats waiting to be explored.

Let’s Wrap It Up!

YouTube automation can be the golden goose, offering you that sweet passive income life. But it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. The niche game’s gotta be strong, you’ll need some moolah to make it pop, and hey, patience is key. 

And between you and me? While YouTube’s fab, local lead generation gets my vote for quicker passive income. Less startup cash, quicker returns. 

Whether you’re diving into YouTube, lead gen, or some other fancy laptop business, just remember: you’re taking a giant leap towards living on your own terms. Keep grinding and dream big! 🚀🌌🌟

Frequently asked questions:

How do I start a successful YouTube channel in 2023?

Yo, wanna pop off on YT in 2023? Peep this:
1. Find your vibe and decide what you’re gonna flex on your channel.
2. Scope out other channels in your lane.
3. Get your brand looking fresh on your channel.
4. Time to jump in – create that YT account.
5. Set up your digs – aka, your channel.
6. Drop that first vid.
7. Make sure your title and thumbnail are straight fire.

How do I start a cash cow channel on YouTube?

Wanna milk that YT cash cow? Start by zoning in on a specific niche. Become the go-to and keep your content tight and right. Say you’re vibing with “sports”, but don’t be basic. Dive deeper, like focusing just on hoops or something.

How do I make an automation channel on YouTube?

Ready to set up an auto-money maker on YT? Follow this:
1. Pick a niche that’s gonna bang.
2. Get that branded YT account up and running.
3. Assemble a killer squad that’s all about automation.
4. Get some tools to keep things smooth and automated.
5. Show me the money – time to monetize.

Vid Gators
Vid Gators

Hi, my name is Idammah, and I am the founder of Vid Gators, a website dedicated to helping people make money through YouTube. I have always been fascinated by the potential for success on the platform and the power of video as a medium for communication and entertainment. That's why I started this blog – to share my own experiences and the strategies that have worked for me with others who are looking to do the same. I have personally tried a variety of methods for making money through YouTube, including creating and monetizing my own channels, collaborating with brands, and using video content to drive traffic to my website. While some methods have been more successful than others, I have learned a lot along the way and am constantly experimenting with new ways to earn an income through video. I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with my readers, and I hope that my blog can be a helpful resource for anyone looking to make money through YouTube. Thanks for stopping by!

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