How Much I Make With 3 Million Subscribers

Alright folks, brace yourself as we dive into the YouTube Olympics, where statistics do a flamenco and views rain down like confetti. We’re about to splash in a pool of dollar bills and take a dizzying ride through the rollercoaster of online fame. Buckle up!

How Much I Make With 3 Million Subscribers

Graham Stephan Channel
Subscribers: 4.65M
Videos: 993
Views: 849,604,223
Joined on: Dec 25, 2016
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Video mentioned: How Much I Make With 3 Million Subscribers
How Much I Make With 3 Million Subscribers

So, our main man here has two vids with the exact same number of views, but one’s got more dollar-dollar bills than a shady politician. Don’t you just love the mystery? This ain’t no Hogwarts magic, folks! It’s all about the advertiser’s mood ring. You got the financial types ready to splurge, hence the cash flow from that personal finance vid. More benjamins than a Franklin family reunion! But hey, not all topics are made equal!

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Now, let’s hit rewind. Picture this, our main man with his little YouTube channel, pulling in between two and five hundred thou’ views per day. Casual, right? Not so much. This was churning out $5K to $11K per day! That’s more than I spend on my weekly taco addiction, just sayin’.

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But hold up, it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. You gotta play nice, keep it clean, no potty mouths or touchy topics. Start doing the dirty and your ad money’s gonna shrink faster than a cheap cotton shirt in a hot wash. Don’t even think about using that sweet, sweet copyrighted music unless you wanna hand over all your dough to the copyright gods.

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Meanwhile, the biggest YouTubers can’t even buy a fancy latte with their ad revenue, despite clocking up more views than a viral cat video. But hey, they’re scooping up those sponsorships like they’re at an all-you-can-eat buffet, while our hero here is pickier than a vegan at a barbecue.

Sponsorships can drop more moolah than a broken ATM, depending on how you wheel and deal. But it’s like Fight Club, first rule of Sponsorship Club, don’t talk about how much you’re making! Creators keep their lips zipped tighter than a drum. If they spill, they could ruin their chance at a future payday.

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Now, let’s cruise back to the past. 2017, when our main man was making anywhere from a couple of dimes to $20 a day. Then YouTube’s divine algorithm stepped in and threw him a bone. Suddenly, it was raining cash – a cool $171 in a single day. That’s almost 342 tacos at my local joint, folks!

After that, our guy was hooked. By the end of 2017, he was rolling in a sweet $26,966.60. In 2018, things really picked up and the dough started rolling in – he made a whopping $170,945.60! And in 2019, the numbers skyrocketed! Our man hit the jackpot and made a whopping $1,001,231.43. That’s a whole lotta guacamole!

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Fast forward to 2021, where our guy is hauling in around $200K a month. That’s enough to buy a small island, or a fancy yacht, or 400,000 tacos. The side channels are adding to his pile, too. His second channel pulls in about $46K a month, and the iced coffee hour channel adds another $8,500. All of that, and he’s just warming up!

But what’s this? Our guy is now a business guru, diversifying like a Wall Street veteran. His empire includes merch lines, affiliate links, consulting gigs, and investment opportunities. His income for 2020? A mind-boggling $5 million, and that’s from a channel with 3 million subscribers. That’s some serious cheddar, folks!

our top recommended tools
Fiverr: Hire freelancers to create professional content.
Hubstaff: Manage your team and workflow.
Canva: Design graphics, logos, and thumbnails.
TubeBuddy: Optimize videos for search engines and track performance.
VidIQ: Analyze video data and grow your audience.
Submagic: Transform your short-form videos with AI in seconds!
ElevenLabs: Best Free online tool to Convert text to speech effortlessly.

So, the lesson here is, with a dash of creativity, a sprinkle of hard work, and a splash of persistence, you can turn YouTube into your own personal cash cow. Just remember, every cow needs a break sometimes, so don’t forget to chill, get some help, and enjoy the ride. Peace out!

Frequently asked questions:

How much do you get paid for 3 million subscribers on YouTube?

Alright, so here’s the scoop: If you’re rocking 3 million subs on YouTube, you’re probably pulling in somewhere between $60k to $200k annually. But hold up, your earnings can swing based on a few things like how many peeps are actually watching your vids and how much ad cash you’re raking in.

How much money does 2 million subscribers make?

between $20,000 and $50,000 per year
So, if you’re wondering about those YouTubers with 2 mil subs, on average, they’re banking between $20k and $50k a year, as per Forbes. But let’s keep it real, some high rollers in that league are cashing in over a cool $100k annually.

How much do YouTubers with 4 million subscribers make?

What is the income of 2 million subscribers?
So check this, for those YouTubers holding it down with 2 million subs, Forbes says they’re likely making a yearly dough of $20k to $50k. But, some of the big dogs are stacking way more, like over $100k a year.

Vid Gators
Vid Gators

Hi, my name is Idammah, and I am the founder of Vid Gators, a website dedicated to helping people make money through YouTube. I have always been fascinated by the potential for success on the platform and the power of video as a medium for communication and entertainment. That's why I started this blog – to share my own experiences and the strategies that have worked for me with others who are looking to do the same. I have personally tried a variety of methods for making money through YouTube, including creating and monetizing my own channels, collaborating with brands, and using video content to drive traffic to my website. While some methods have been more successful than others, I have learned a lot along the way and am constantly experimenting with new ways to earn an income through video. I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with my readers, and I hope that my blog can be a helpful resource for anyone looking to make money through YouTube. Thanks for stopping by!

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