How Much I Make With 2 Million Subscribers

Discover firsthand: How Much I Make With 2 Million Subscribers. Explore the earning potential of a channel with a vast audience.

Wow, what a YouTube journey this has been, huh? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the true fairy tale of the 21st century, it’s no longer “from rags to riches”, but “from seven cents to seven figures”! And to think, we once believed pennies were outdated, turns out, every single one counts… especially on YouTube! But just How Much I Make With 2 Million Subscribers? Let’s break it all down.

Want to compare this with other subscriber milestones? Check out this breakdown of how much YouTube paid me at 1M subscribers to see how earnings scale!

How Much I Make With 2 Million Subscribers

Graham Stephan Channel
Subscribers: 4.65M
Videos: 993
Views: 849,604,223
Joined on: Joined Dec 25, 2016
Local: United States
Video mentioned: How Much I Make With 2 Million Subscribers
How Much I Make With 2 Million Subscribers

And seriously, I need to sit down, I’m getting dizzy from all the zeroes in these numbers. Graham started off making nothing from his videos, can you believe it? Then he turned on monetization and made a “whopping” seven cents. But hey, you gotta start somewhere. It’s like the proverbial butterfly effect, except the butterfly is a penny and the hurricane is a massive YouTube empire.

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But let’s talk about the real hero of this story, the almighty Dollar. Yes, I’m capitalizing it because it’s reached celebrity status in this tale. Let’s not forget the pure exhilaration Graham felt when he earned his first dollar on YouTube, proving once again, it’s not about the money, it’s about the…well, okay it’s about the money.

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And who knew that the key to YouTube success was making videos about making videos about making money? It’s like an Inception of finance here, folks. We’re going deeper into the YouTube rabbit hole than anyone ever thought possible.

And who can forget the wild journey of the $78 Tesla. If that car could talk, it’d probably say, “I’m worth way more than that, Graham!” But jokes aside, that Tesla isn’t just an electric car, it’s a ride into the fast lane of YouTube stardom.

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Graham, it sounds like your secret to YouTube success is a combination of persistence, financial savvy, and the occasional viral video about an extremely expensive credit card or a suspiciously cheap Tesla. Remember folks, when life hands you a $10 million credit card, make a video about it.

And hey, if this YouTube thing doesn’t work out, Graham, you always have a fallback career as an accountant. With all these numbers, you must be a pro at adding, subtracting, and especially multiplying your earnings.

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Fiverr: Hire freelancers to create professional content.
TubeBuddy: Optimize videos for search engines and track performance.
VidIQ: Analyze video data and grow your audience.
Submagic: Transform your short-form videos with AI in seconds!
ElevenLabs: Best Free online tool to Convert text to speech effortlessly.

All in all, it’s a wild ride to YouTube stardom. Who knew that talking about credit cards, real estate, and personal finance could lead to a seven-figure salary? It’s almost like Graham found the secret cheat code to YouTube. And the rest of us? Well, we’re still stuck on level one, trying to figure out how to upload a video without accidentally deleting our entire channel.

Frequently asked questions:

How much can I earn with 1 million subscribers?

On average, a YouTuber rocking 1 million subs is pocketing about $60k annually. If you’re thinking of diving into the YouTube world for some easy green, you might wanna explore a few other routes first. BTW, you curious about the top earner on YouTube?

How much money does 2 million YouTube views make?

So here’s the lowdown: typically, for every 1,000 views, a YouTuber can bag $3 to $5, though it can swing a bit depending on the ad type and where your audience is at. Doing the math, with 2 million views, you’re looking at a cool $6k to $10k.


I’m Thomas, founder of Vid Gators, a platform dedicated to helping people earn money through Video Content . With experience in channel monetization, brand collaborations, and video-driven traffic, I share strategies and insights to guide others toward success on the platform.

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