How Much did a Nigerian African YouTuber Make

Alright, alright, gather ’round squad, we’re about to dive into DVDI’s YouTube money tale, so fasten your seatbelts! Straight outta Nigeria, this dude’s making dough, but not without a few bumps and crashes along the way…quite literally!

How Much did a Nigerian African YouTuber Make

David Nkwa Channel
Subscribers: 99.4K
Videos: 639
Views: 13,178,296
Joined on: Dec 7, 2011
Local: Nigeria
Video mentioned: How Much did I Make in My First YouTube Payment | Nigerian African YouTuber | You May be Surprised
How Much did I Make in My First YouTube Payment Nigerian African YouTuber You May be Surprised

Now, when it comes to YouTube cash, ain’t nothing as free as a lunch at grandma’s. Nah, man, DVDI’s hustling harder than a hamster in a spinning wheel! The drones? They’re playing hide and seek in the sky. The weather? It’s raining cats, dogs, and drone parts! And don’t get me started on those street boys – they’re tougher on him than my momma on laundry day!

How Much did I Make in My First YouTube Payment Nigerian African YouTuber You May be Surprised1

And lemme break it down for ya – the dude’s hustling hard, putting in more hours than there are in a day, pushing through sunburns, rainstorms, and even the occasional snake-necklace! You think those YouTube dollar bills just grow on trees? Nope! They’re crafted with sweat, determination, and a good dose of Naija hustle.

How Much did I Make in My First YouTube Payment Nigerian African YouTuber You May be Surprised2

So, he gets the YouTube green light on May 12, 2021, and just 19 days later, dude’s rolling in the moolah, or so it seems. If you’re doing the math, that’s quicker than a cheetah chasing a gazelle. Now let’s crack into those big league stats, shall we?

How Much did I Make in My First YouTube Payment Nigerian African YouTuber You May be Surprised

Almost 95,000 views – dang, that’s more than the number of times I’ve forgotten where I put my car keys! And 4,500 watch hours? Jeez, that’s longer than my last relationship! Plus, 778 new subscribers – man, that’s like a small army!

But here’s where the rubber hits the road. Drumroll please… and the grand total is… $342.31! Alright, it ain’t exactly Elon Musk money, but for 19 days? Dude’s got game! Convert that into Naira and we’re talking a sweet 165,000. We ain’t in small fry territory anymore, folks!

How Much did I Make in My First YouTube Payment Nigerian African YouTuber You May be Surprised

But hold up, people, let’s not get too starry-eyed here. Remember, our man DVDI didn’t just pull this moolah outta thin air. It came from hard work, grit, and more drone crashes than he’d care to admit. So, for all you budding YouTubers out there, listen up! Keep hustling, keep grinding, and remember: every big player starts small.

And there you have it folks, the real hustle behind the YouTube dream. Ain’t nothing but a hard work thing! So get out there, create, grind and who knows, maybe one day you’ll be the one flexin’ your YouTube paycheck, just like our man DVDI.

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Fiverr: Hire freelancers to create professional content.
Hubstaff: Manage your team and workflow.
Canva: Design graphics, logos, and thumbnails.
TubeBuddy: Optimize videos for search engines and track performance.
VidIQ: Analyze video data and grow your audience.
Submagic: Transform your short-form videos with AI in seconds!
ElevenLabs: Best Free online tool to Convert text to speech effortlessly.

Remember to hit that subscribe button harder than DVDI hit the ground with his drones. Support your bro and join the crew. See y’all on the flip side!

Frequently asked questions:

How much does YouTube pay a Nigerian YouTuber?

For a Nigerian YouTuber, pulling in 1K ad views can bag you around $8, give or take. And just so you know, the top earner from Nigeria on YouTube is the queen, Flo Chinyere, with a whopping 42 million views under her belt.

How much YouTube pay for 10,000 views in Nigeria?

Over in Nigeria, for every 1,000 views, YouTube’s throwing between $0.05 to $0.07 USD your way. So, if you’re racking up 10K views on a vid, you’re looking at a payday between $50 to $70 USD. This all depends on the number of ads popping up and the peeps clicking on ’em.

How much does YouTube pay for 1 million streams in Nigeria?

Artists hitting 1 million streams are looking at a sweet $10,000. Some of the biggest hitters in Nigeria for 2022 on the YouTube scene include legends like Rema, FireboyDML, BurnaBoy, KizzDaniel, and Ckay. Word on the street is that YouTube’s dishing out $0.18 per view, $18 for every 1K ad views, and between $3 to $5 for 1K video views.

Vid Gators
Vid Gators

Hi, my name is Idammah, and I am the founder of Vid Gators, a website dedicated to helping people make money through YouTube. I have always been fascinated by the potential for success on the platform and the power of video as a medium for communication and entertainment. That's why I started this blog – to share my own experiences and the strategies that have worked for me with others who are looking to do the same. I have personally tried a variety of methods for making money through YouTube, including creating and monetizing my own channels, collaborating with brands, and using video content to drive traffic to my website. While some methods have been more successful than others, I have learned a lot along the way and am constantly experimenting with new ways to earn an income through video. I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with my readers, and I hope that my blog can be a helpful resource for anyone looking to make money through YouTube. Thanks for stopping by!

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